Important: 25.06 TUESDAY | 1 p.m. Tour of the exhibition led by curator Małgorzata Miśniakiewicz (registration required), start: Infopoint | ENG+PL
* Prior registration at is required for the tours and walks.
Registration starts: 9.06, noon
** Please leave the exhibition space before the official closing time at the latest.
*** Unless otherwise indicated, the event is held in Polish.
21.06 FRIDAY
opening hours: noon – 10 p.m.
2 p.m. KAW! Kid Art Walk – a guided tour for children aged 6–12, led by Ewa Pluta (registration required), start: Infopoint
9 p.m. opening of the 22nd edition of the SURVIVAL Art Review, Festival Club | ENG+PL
opening hours: noon – 10 p.m.
noon Guided tour with a hearing loop, led by Ewa Pluta (registration coordinated by Katarynka Foundation), start: Wrocław Brochów railway station
1 p.m. Sound Art Forum – guided tour led by curator Daniel Brożek (registration required), start: Infopoint
3 p.m. Community Commissioned Art – DemArt: presentation of Jagoda Dobecka’s, Filip Skont Niziołek’s, Julia and Mikołaj Tkacz’s projects, open event, Festival Club | ENG+PL
6 p.m. Announcement of DemArt results and Solo Show lecture: How to tell art in social media?, moderated by Tomasz Szymański, open event, Festival Club | ENG+PL
8 p.m. Discussion on public space, violence and anger, moderated by Przemysław Witkowski, discussants: , Bek Berger, Karolina Bieniek, Aleksander Hudzik, Bartłomiej Świerczewski, Daniel Valtueña, open event, Festival Club | ENG+PL
23.06 SUNDAY
opening hours: noon – 10 p.m.
noon Family workshop with Made in Brochów, open event, Festival Club
noon Guided tour with audio description, led by Ewa Pluta (registration coordinated by Katarynka Foundation), start: Wrocław Brochów railway station
1 p.m. Guided tour in Ukrainian, led by Anzhelika Yeltsova (registration required), start: Infopoint | UA
3 p.m. Presentations of Deconfining residency projects: Lindi Dedek (Czech Republic), Naitiemu Nyanjom (Kenya), open event, Festival Club | ENG+PL
4 p.m. Presentations of Deconfining residency projects: Jan Moss (Poland), “Teflon” Kizza Moses (Uganda), open event, Festival Club | ENG+PL
5 p.m. Presentations of Deconfining residency projects: Michalina Musielak (Poland), Josephine “Kia” Kiaga (Tanzania), open event, Festival Club | ENG+PL
5 p.m. Historical walk in Brochów, led by Zbigniew Kuriata (Society of Friends of Brochów), open event, start: Wrocław Brochów railway station
24.06 MONDAY
opening hours: noon – 10 p.m.
1 p.m. Tour of the exhibition led by curator Michał Bieniek (registration required), start: Infopoint
3 p.m. Is it possible to digitise the soul? Romantic paradoxes of the digital revolution era – lecture by Jakub Kuś (SWPS University), open event, Festival Club
4 p.m. SAW! Senior Art Walk – guided tour for seniors led by Ewa Pluta (registration required), start: Wrocław Brochów railway station
6 p.m. Love? Hate? Independence? How to build a healthy relationship with money – lecture by Agata Gąsiorowska (SWPS University), open event, Festival Club
opening hours: noon – 10 p.m.
1 p.m. Tour of the exhibition led by curator Małgorzata Miśniakiewicz (registration required), start: Infopoint | ENG+PL
2 p.m. BAW! Baby Art Walk – guided tour for parents and carers with small children (registration required), start: Infopoint
3 p.m. Guided tour in Belarusian led by Ilya Mejumayeu (registration required), start: Infopoint | BEL
6 p.m. Brochów: Places of remembrance, natural and cultural heritage, and the production of localities – lecture by Wojciech Browarny with the team, open event, Festival Club
On 24–25.06 (Monday–Tuesday), from noon to 1 p.m., the sound works will be silenced and strong light and acoustic stimuli will be limited. For questions about availability, please email: